Incubation Centre, IGCAR will be a ‘World-class Facility’, that will be catalytic in incubating spin-off technologies of IGCAR in the Southern region through appropriate handholding with entrepreneurs and MSMEs.
Will create a strong network of mentors from IGCAR who would provide sector specific knowledge and guidance to incubatees.
Will conduct events, awareness/inspirational programmes and training programmes for start-ups and potential start-ups at frequent intervals.
Will implement the recommendations and stipulations of the Governing Board of IC-IGCAR (when formed).
Will catalyze incubation activities involving IGCAR technology developers, academic institutions and industries in areas of R&D aligned with the programmes of DAE.
Will actively liaise with all the Groups/Divisions of IGCAR towards identifying technologies amenable for incubation/transfer/patenting.
Will be responsible for all IPR related tasks of IGCAR. This includes filing/renewal of IGCAR patents in coordination with DAE IPR Cell, Mumbai.
Will coordinate with Technology Transfer & Collaborative Division, BARC to enable technology transfers of IGCAR technologies readied/incubated.
Accounts Division strives to provide support for achieving the organization goals while working within the framework of rules and regulations.