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Sl No. Title Author
1 An introductory guide to uncertainty analysis in environmental and health risk assessment F. O. Hoffman and J. S. Hammonds
2 Occupational radiation protection : protecting workers against exposure to ionizing radiation  Proceedings of an International Conference, Geneva, 26-30 August 2002
3 Lower limit of detection : definition and elaboration of a proposed position for radiological effluent and environmental measurements L. A. Currie
National Bureau of Standards
4 Passive shutdown systems for fast neutron reactors IAEA Nuclear Engergy Series : No. NR-T-1.16
5 Experimental facilities in support of liquid metal cooled fast neutron systems IAEA Nuclear Engergy Series : No. NP-T-1.15
6 Prevention of the inadvertent movement and illicit trafficking of radioactive materials IAEA-TECDOC-1311
7 Practical radiation technical manual IAEA
8 Safe handling and storage of plutonium Safety Reports Series No. 9
9 Occupational radiation protection in the mining and Processing of raw materials Safety Guide : No. RS-G-1.6
10 Occupational Radiation Protection Safety Guide : No. RS-G-1.1
11 The IAEA standards for the radioactive discharge control: present status and future development M. Balonov, G. Linsley, D. Louvat, C. Robinson and T. Cabianca
12 Generic models for use in assessing the impact of discharges of radioactive substances to the environment Safety Reports Series No. 19
13 Sediment distribution coefficients and concentration factors for biota in the marine environment Technical Reports Series No.: 422
14 Management of waste containing tritium and  carbon-14 Technical Reports Series No.: 421
15 Preparedness and response for a nuclear or  radiological emergency IAEA Safety Standards Series : NO. GS-R-2
16 Environmental aspects based on operational performance of nuclear fuel fabrication facilities IAEA-TECDOC-1306
17 Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material 2009 Edition Safety Requirements No. TS-R-1
18 Environmental aspects based on operational performance of nuclear fuel fabrication facilities IAEA-TECDOC-1306
19 Quantifying uncertainty in nuclear analytical measurements IAEA-TECDOC-1401