
Shri Narayanan Srinivasan
Director (1979 to 1985)
Shri N. Srinivasan joined the Department of Atomic Energy in 1953. A distinguished chemical
engineer who had been responsible for the construction of the Plutonium Plant at Trombay,
Shri N. Srinivasan was designated as the Project Director for Reactor Research Centre
(RRC) (renamed Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research in 1985) at Kalpakkam in 1971.
Shri N. Srinivasan initiated the fast reactor reprocessing program in the Centre to realise the
vision of Homi Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai. With his rich experience in the reprocessing
technology, he guided the initial phase of the activities so that it could mature to a robust
technology in future and provide necessary trained and experienced manpower for this crucial activity.
He was Chief Executive of Heavy Water Board and later the Nuclear Fuel Complex. He was a member of
Atomic Energy Commission during 1982-87. He is recipient of Padma Bhushan award from Government of
India in 2000.

Prof. Chokkanathapuram Venkataraman Sundaram
Director (1985 to 1990)
Prof. C. V. Sundaram joined the Department of Atomic Energy in 1956. He was a major architect
in ushering an era of production of rare, reactive and refractory metals, such as zirconium,
beryllium, titanium and tantalum, utilising indigenous resources and expertise. His research
contributions led to the establishment of a production plant for nuclear grade materials such as
zirconium sponge, niobium and tantalum metal products at Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad.
In 1982, he was invited to assume leadership of the Fast Breeder Reactor Programme of India as
the Director of Reactor Research Centre (renamed Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
-IGCAR) at Kalpakkam, at a crucial stage when the construction of the Fast Breeder Test Reactor
(FBTR) was nearing completion. Through his dedication, hard work and inspiring leadership, he led the team of
scientists and engineers in IGCAR towards the successful criticality of FBTR in October 1985. Prof. Sundaram
was a recipient of several prestigious awards. For his outstanding scientific and technological achievements,
Government of India honoured Prof. C. V. Sundaram with the Sanjay Gandhi Award for Science and Technology
in the field of energy (1985) and Padma Bhushan Award in 1986.

Shri Shrikant Ramakrishna Paranjpe
Director (1990 to November 1992)
Shri Shrikant Ramakrishna Paranjpe a Chemical Engineer, joined the Department of
Atomic Energy in the year 1955 and worked in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai.
He headed the Fast Reactor Section at BARC in the year 1965 and initiated the preliminary
design of a 10 MWe experimental fast reactor. In June 1971, he was shifted to Reactor
Research Centre (later renamed Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research), Kalpakkam
as Principal Design Engineer (Head, Design Group) for executing the FBR programme.
Shri S. R. Paranjpe, along with late Shri P. R. Roy under the Chairmanship of Dr. Raja Ramana
boldly decided the use of mixed carbide fuel of unique composition as driver for FBTR, when
there was unprecedented hindrance in the fuel supply to the nation due to Peaceful Nuclear Explosion in 1974.
He played a key role in obtaining all the safety clearances for the test reactor. Shri Paranjpe guided the working
group in the preparation of Detailed Project Report for PFBR and initiated a programme for testing PFBR MOX
fuel composition with 233U and 239Pu in FBTR. He served as the Director of IGCAR, from 1990 till 1992. He built
a dedicated team of scientists and engineers to pursue the fast reactor programme in India. He is the founder of
Homoeopathic Association of Kalpakkam (HAK) to provide medical assistance to the poor and neighborhood
villages around Kalpakkam.

Dr. Placid Rodriguez
Director (December 1992 to October 2000)
Dr. Placid Rodriguez, joined the Department of Atomic Energy in 1960 and worked in Bhabha
Atomic Research Centre, Bombay till 1974. He was leading the Mechanical Properties in
Metallurgy Division of BARC from 1969-1974. In 1974, he has moved to Reactor Research
Centre (later renamed Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research), Kalpakkam as a senior
metallurgist and established world class research laboratories for metallurgical research. He was
the Director of IGCAR, Kalpakkam from December 1992 till October 2000. Dr. Rodriguez was
internationally well-known for his R&D contributions in the areas of Mechanical Metallurgy,
Welding Metallurgy and Nuclear Materials. He has guided and nurtured several young colleagues in the
multidisciplinary fields of Science and Engineering for the advancement of fast breeder reactor technology in
India. He has served with distinction as a member of Editorial Board of several reputed international journals
in Metallurgy and Materials Science. He is a recipient of many National and International awards, a member
of many national funding agencies for Science and Technology and has a member of the Scientific Advisory
Committee to the Cabinet.

Shri Shivram Baburao Bhoje
Director (November 2000 to April 2004)
Shri S. B. Bhoje from the 9th batch of BARC Training School, joined the Fast Reactor Section,
BARC in August 1967. He was deputed to the Centre d'Etudes Nucleare Cadarache, France, as
a member of the design team of the 13-MW fast-breeder test reactor (FBTR) in 1969-70. In
1971 he moved to Reactor Research Centre and was in-charge of design of 40 MW Fast Breeder
Test Reactor (FBTR) reactor assembly. In 1988 he became the Reactor Superintendent of FBTR.
He was the Director of IGCAR during the period November 2000 - April 2004. Shri Bhoje also
significantly contributed in design, R&D, manufacturing technology development, obtained
statutory clearances for construction and pre-project activities of Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR).
He is a recipient of many awards. Government of India honoured him with Padma Shri in 2003.

Dr. Baldev Raj ,
Director (May 2004 to April 2011)
Dr. Baldev Raj from the 13th batch of BARC Training School, joined Radiometallurgy division
of BARC and was deputed to RISO Denmark during 1973. He was posted in the then Reactor
Research Centre (RRC) in 1974 and entrusted with the responsibility of construction of
Radiometallurgy laboratory. He was the Director of the Centre during 2004-2011. Dr. Baldev
Raj has played a pioneering role in mastering the technology of complex post-irradiation
examination (PIE) of highly irradiated Pu-rich carbide fuels. He has been primarily responsible
for initiating and nurturing NDE capabilities at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research.
This facility and expertise is one of the most acknowledged competence Centre. He has also
provided innovative NDE solutions to challenging problems not only for the nuclear industry but also other
core and strategic industries. He is also responsible for realising societal applications of NDE in areas related to
cultural heritage and medical diagnosis. He is a recipient of many international awards and honors. Government
of India honoured him with Padma Shri in 2007.

Shri Subhash Chander Chetal
Director (May 2011 to Jan 2013)
Shri S. C. Chetal from the 14th batch of BARC Training School joined the then Reactor Research
Centre in 1971. Since, then, he had been engaged in the field of Fast Reactor Engineering and
has made significant contributions towards design of FBTR sodium systems and components.
He is the principal design engineer of PFBR and has made outstanding contributions towards
the material selection, manufacturing technology, R&D design and construction of 500 MWe
Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor. He was the Director of IGCAR during May 2011-Jan 2013.
He is a recipient of many awards including Agni Award for Excellence in self-reliance by DRDO
for titanium sponge production and Certification of Appreciation by International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) towards fast reactor technology.

Dr. Polur RangaRao Vasudeva Rao
Director (Feb 2013 to August 2015)
Dr. P. R. Vasudeva Rao from the 16th batch of BARC Training School joined BARC in 1973
and then shifted to Kalpakkam in 1978. He was instrumental in setting up the Radiochemistry
Laboratory at IGCAR. Dr. Vasudeva Rao, is a specialist in field of actinide separations relevant
to nuclear fuel cycle. He was the Director, IGCAR from Feb 2013 - Aug 2015. Under his
guidance, the research and development in the chemistry aspects of fast reactor fuels, coolants
and control rod mechanisms was established. Thereafter, Dr. Rao was associated with DAE as
Raja Ramanna Fellow. Currently, Dr. Rao is the Vice-Chancellor of Homi Bhabha National
Institute, Mumbai. He is recipient of many awards and honours.

Dr. Srinivasula Ananta Venkata Satya Murty
Director (September 2015 to June 2016)
Dr. S.A.V. Satya Murty topper from the 21st batch of BARC Training School joined the then
Reactor Research Centre in 1978. His work in the field of Wireless Sensor Network applications
in the Nuclear Reactor domain has received international acclaim. He was instrumental in
setting up a robust Internet, E-Mail and Information Security systems in IGCAR. He actively
participated in development, Verification & Validation of Instrumentation and Control
systems for the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor. Under his guidance, PFBR Operator Training
Simulator, Advanced Visualization Centre, High Performance Computing Systems and
Computer Network facilities were established in IGCAR. He was Director of IGCAR from September 2015 to
June 2016. He was also associated in establishing TDEM system for Uranium Exploration. Subsequent to his
superannuation he was awarded Raja Ramanna Fellowship. He is recipient of many awards and honours.

Dr. Arun Kumar Bhaduri
Director (July 2016 to August 2021)
Dr. Arun Kumar Bhaduri Homi Bhabha Topper from the 27th batch of BARC Training School,
joined Reactor Research Centre (later renamed Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research)
Kalpakkam in 1984. A Humboldt Fellow from the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation, Germany. He specialized in the field of welding, hardfacing and materials joining
and has nurtured an internationally acclaimed group in this area. Apart from steering the centre
towards the development of materials and their fabrication technologies for Indian nuclear
programmes on sodium-cooled fast reactors, he also anchors the development of materials and
their fabrication technologies for fusion reactors and advanced ultra supercritical thermal power plants. He took
over as Director, IGCAR in July 2016. He is a recipient of many international and national awards and honours
and is also a member of Governing Council of C-MET & Senate Member of NIT Puducherry.

Dr. B. Venkatraman ,
Director (September 2021 to May 2024)
Dr. Balasubramanian Venkatraman from the 27th Batch of BARC Training School at Mumbai, joined the Radio Metallurgy Laboratory, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam in 1984.
With a research career spanning 37 years, he has combined the physics of Non-Destructive Evaluation with engineering and technology and consistently provided excellent R & D support and robust NDE-based solutions to technologically challenging problems in the nuclear and other strategic and core industries.
His expertise had also been utilised by Indian Space Research organization for solving challenging NDE problems pertaining to the initial PSLV and GSLV, qualification of Ti-6Al-4V alloy satellite gas bottles, and earth sensors of INSAT. He developed the Neutron radiography procedure for examination of pyro devices using KAMINI reactor.
He was the Director, IGCAR from September 2021 to May 2024. He is a recipient of many international and national awards and honours.