The Sodium Experiments & Hydraulics Division (SE&HD) in RD&TG is engaged in testing of large components, design, construction, erection and inspection of large sodium loops, and development work for FBR's. SE&HD has completed the in-sodium testing and qualification of several prototype reactor components / equipments of PFBR. These include the fuel handling machines (Transfer Arm and Primary Ramp & Primary Tilting mechanisms of IFTM), Under Sodium Ultrasonic Scanner, Failed fuel Location module, Core flow monitoring mechanisms, Sonar device, Start-up neutron detector handling mechanism and the critical shutdown mechanisms (CSRDM and DSRDM). They have expertise in vibration monitoring and troubleshooting of rotating machines. Dedicated test facilities are available for testing and qualification of inflatable, back up seals and V-ring seals of PFBR and presently the testing of respective seals for PFBR is in progress in these facilities.
SE&HD has also engaged in development work for PFBR. These include the design, development and supply of eddy current based flow meter for Primary sodium flow measurement and for subassembly flow measurement, qualification of RADAR type level probe for sodium applications, development of an Armature cleaning mechanism for DSRDM electromagnets, hydraulic dashpot & dynamic seals, development of acoustic leak detection system for FBR steam generators, development of acoustic based drop time measurement system for DSRDM. They have also designed a unique test loop for the testing of components subjected to thermal shock in the reactor and the facility has been used for thermal shock evaluation of electromagnet of DSRDM, high temperature exposure of hard faced samples. Recently, three prototype mechanisms each one for CSRDM, DSRDM and Armature cleaning mechanism were procured and in-sodium endurance testing of these mechanisms is under progress.
Expertise is available for mechanical design, analysis, fabrication and erection of sodium piping, large test vessels, precision & safe handling of large components, vibration measurement and signal analysis, design and testing of flow meters, level probes etc. SE&HD has expertise in the sodium removal of large sized components and has demonstrated this capability by cleaning of PFBR components such as sodium pumps, fuel handling machines etc.
SE&HD provides technical support to Bhavini in commissioning of various reactor components. Some Important jobs include:
Performance evaluation of all the shutdown mechanisms (16 nos in all) in air.
Natural frequency measurement of primary and secondary sodium pumps and ALIP, vibration measurements for troubleshooting of IHX etc.
SEHD has done the mechanical design, analysis and erection of steel structure, piping and major test vessels of the upcoming large sodium test facility, viz. Sodium Technology Complex.
SE&HD is also engaged in development works for future FBR's. This includes (i) Development of oil less bearings and seals for main coolant pumps of future FBR's Work on development of active magnetic bearings (AMB), in collaboration with CSIR-NAL, Bangalore, has demonstrated the use of AMB for a small centrifugal sodium pump. In tandem, testing of ferro fluid seals is in progress in collaboration with Materials & Metallurgy group, IGCAR. Various other developmental works, presently in progress, for future FBRs include testing of Temperature sensitive magnetic switch, low response time laminated electromagnet, anti-lowering device for DSRDM, indigenous seals for LRP and SRP, robust eddy current sensors for PSP etc.
The division has expertise for sodium cleaning of sodium wetted components. They have successfully employed the watervapor-CO2 process for sodium removal from PFBR prototype components such as fuel handling machines, pumps, shutdown mechanisms, under sodium scanner, failed fuel location module etc.
Fast Reactor Technology. This division has developed in-sodium sensors and electronics for sodium level measurement (Continuous Level Probe (CLP) and Discrete Level Probe (DLP)), sodium leak detection (Mutual Inductance type Leak Detector (MILD), Sodium Aerosol Detector (SAD), Extended Spark Plug type Leak Detector (ESPLD), wire type leak detector), Permanent Magnet Flow Meters (PMFM) for sodium flow measurement, etc. The DD&RSD is directly involved in the maintenance and upkeep of mechanical, electrical and instrumentation systems of all the in sodium and hydraulic testing facilities in RDTG for conducting various experiments. It provides supports to erection and commissioning of all mechanical equipments in facilities and Engineering Halls in RDTG. The division is responsible for design, procurement, installation and commissioning of various electrical systems for sodium and hydraulic facilities and for design, erection and commissioning of preheating system for sodium facilities. It is also responsible for the design, development and testing of Annular Linear Induction Pump (ALIP) and Temperature Sensitive Magnetic Switch (TSMS) for PFBR. A sodium submersible ALIP (2 m3/h, 4 kg/cm2) was developed using high temperature insulating material. This ALIP can withstand temperatures up to 600oC without requiring any external cooling arrangement and has operated for more than 4000 hours in sodium submersible conditions. Significant contribution has been made towards development of under sodium viewing and core mapping technology using ultrasonic technique. The ultrasonic transducers for the Under Sodium Ultra Sonic Scanner (USUSS) of PFBR have been developed and the development of high temperature ultrasonic transducers is in advanced stage for under sodium applications in FBRs. In addition to the design, development and commissioning of Instrumentation and Control systems of new sodium and water facilities, it also provides I&C support to other testing requirements within the group, viz development of microprocessor based electronics, signal processing and analysis, FEA, etc. Necessary support is also provided for the commissioning of sodium instrumentation systems at PFBR and for the commissioning of USUSS for PFBR. This division consists of five sections: Electrical Services Section (ESS), Electromagnetic Design & Analysis (EMDA), Instrumentation Development Section (IDS), Mechanical Services Section (MSS) and Rig Instrumentation Section (RIS) with a total manpower strength of 44.
Design, fabrication, inspection and erection of components for test facilities for high temperature testing of FBR
Mechanical design and analysis of components and steel structures
Sodium piping design, flexibility analysis, erection and inspection
Air and in sodium testing of prototype PFBR CSRDM and DSRDM
Testing of Primary Ramp and Primary tilting mechanism of PFBR IFTM.
Testing of PFBR In-Vessel Fuel Transfer machine Transfer Arm in sodium
Calibration of PFBR level probes
Calibration and testing of RADAR level probes in sodium
Testing of Ultrasonic Under Sodium Scanner for PFBR
Modification and testing of PFBR Failed Fuel Location Module.
Performance testing of Transfer arm bearing in sodium.
Sodium removal from prototype reactor components of PFBR (e.g. Fuel handling machines, pumps, shutdown mechanisms, under sodium scanner etc.) after testing in sodium
Testing, repair and modification of bellows sealed valves
Testing of Eddy current type position sensor for PFBR DSRDM.
Detection of gas entrainment in sodium using eddy current flow meter
Performance evaluation of CSRDM (12 nos.) and DSRDM (4 nos.) of
Support for performance testing of 170 m3/h ALIP and 50 m3/h ALIP of PFBR
Thermal Shock testing of DSRDM Electromagnet in sodium.
Furnace testing of TSMS (Mark-III)
Testing of V-ring seals of CSRDM
High temperature testing of Inflatable and back up seals
Flow induced vibration measurements and Experimental modal testing of reactor components
Detection of cavitation and steam leaks by acoustic noise technique
Development of Ferro fluid seals & magnetic bearings for centrifugal sodium pumps
Testing of FFLM and core flow monitoring meters
Design, Fabrication, inspection and erection of various heat exchangers and experimental models
Mechanical design and analysis of various model components and related steel structures
Process design of equipments in air and sodium rigs
Fabrication activities related to sodium systems and cover gas systems.
Calibration of accelerometers, dynamic pressure sensors, displacement transducers
In-situ calibration of permanent flow meters using noise analysis technique
Sodium removal facility for various reactor components
Cavitation test setup in sodium
SNDHM test facility
New Inflatable seal test facility,
V-ring seals test facility,
Augmentation of ARDM test facility
Electrodynamic exciter
Sodium removal facility for various reactor components
Cavitation test setup in sodium
SNDHM test facility
New Inflatable seal test facility,
V-ring seals test facility
Augmentation of ARDM test facility
Electrodynamic exciter
Hot air testing of IFTM
Testing of Transfer Arm
Active magnetic Bearing
Sodium Removal Facility and PFBR components with reaction products
STC Sodium Test vessel erection and sodium piping erection works
STC Sodium Test vessel erection and sodium piping erection works
Thermal Shock Test Facility
CSRDM / DSRDM in storage Facility
Multi DSR test facility in Engg. Hall-IV
PFBR Primary Sodium Pump Shaft Natural frequency measurement using electro- dynamic exciter